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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 4.5 KB | 163 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DDocument.h
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <4> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <3> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <2> 8/9/92 MTG merging in changes from the think C version
- To Do:
- */
- // This is the Class declatation for the DDocument class
- #ifndef __DDOCUMENT__
- #define __DDOCUMENT__
- #include "DListStuff.h"
- #include "DWindow.h"
- #ifdef THINK_C
- //nothing, its already included in macincludes
- #else
- // for MPW
- #include <StandardFile.h>
- #endif
- class DEventHandler;
- class DDocument : public DEventHandler
- {
- protected:
- Handle fDataHandle;
- // a place to store data (or not, I tend not to use it)
- OSType fCreator;
- OSType fFileType;
- // The types of the existing file associated with this
- // document. They may be redundent, but for now, thats ok
- Boolean fKMNxtCalledFromWindow;
- // flag indicating when the document's KillMeNext method gets
- // called as a result of the document's window killing itself.
- public:
- StandardFileReply *fFileReply;
- // the FSSpectPtr used for system 7 savyness.
- short fFileRef;
- // to keep around if document needs to do a lot of I/O
- // otherwise it would be just as good to "get" the refNum
- // in a local variable each time I/O is done. Its also
- // used as a flag to indicate that a save as is needed
- // this is so when mFileRef == 0
- DWindow *fDWindow;
- // refrence to the window rendering the data within the
- // document. It is used in support of the close document
- // flow.
- Boolean fNeedToSave;
- // Not much to say about this one. Set it TRUE if data to in
- // document has been changed.
- DDocument(void);
- // Default constructor, sets simple member vars to NULL.
- ~DDocument(void);
- // Default Destructor, Makes shure that the File is closed
- // and alocated memery is freed.
- virtual DDocument* Init( Boolean OpenFromFile);
- // initialize the object if OpenFromFile is TRUE then
- // go through the standardgetfile sequence, otherwise
- // open up a blank document.
- virtual void AEInitDoc(FSSpec *theFSS);
- // initialize the object Open the file then
- // set up the file related members of DDocument.
- virtual Boolean DoSaveAs(void);
- // Closes file if open and uses sfputfile
- // to locate and open a new file frow writting too
- virtual DWindow* MakeWindow(Boolean hasColorWindows);
- // makes whatever window needed, if computer has color
- // support then creat color quickdraw windows, otherwise
- // make the old style windows.
- virtual Boolean WindowClosed(DWindow *deadWindow);
- // the fDwindow calls this when it gets closed
- // its intended to develope to support multi-window
- // documents in a manner similare to the Eventhandler
- // stuff in the DApplication class
- protected:
- virtual Boolean KillMeNext(void);
- // Do LOTs of house keeping in association with Close
- // and WindowClosed
- short WantToSave(WindowPtr theWindow);
- // Pull up that standard dialog withe the window title
- // or something in it.
- public:
- virtual void HandleMenuChoice(short menuID, short menuItem);
- virtual void SetUpMenues(void);
- protected:
- virtual void DoUndo(void);
- virtual void DoPaste(void);
- virtual void DoCopy(void);
- virtual void DoClear(void);
- virtual void DoCut(void);
- virtual void DoSellectAll(void);
- void SellectFile(StandardFileReply* reply);
- // Dose the standard ui get file stuff Supports
- // opening existing files in the Init method
- Boolean OpenFile(FSSpec *fileSpec);
- // opens the file, calls ReadData, and sets fRefNum
- // if its approperate. This gets called from the Init
- // method if OpenExistingFile is true.
- virtual OSErr ReadData(short refNum, long *size);
- // reads the data and places the data wherever its
- // suposed to go. Should be over ridden to place any
- // application spacific data in the correct place, and
- // do any filtering or processing to get the data in a
- // good format.
- Boolean SaveFile(void);
- // Save the file in place over the existing file
- // or if fRefNum do the normal save prosses
- virtual OSErr WriteData(short refNum);
- // Writes data to file, big da!
- };// end of class declaration for DDocument
- #define rWantToSave 500
- #define iYes 1
- #define iNo 3
- #define iCancel 2
- #endif __DDOCUMENT__